We are so excited to release this FREE bag pattern for our little Charity...
This is made from my new fabric collection Floriography.
I'll be making a couple bags this week for two girls in my neighborhood who were injured this last month. One in a bike accident and another in a serious car accident. I'm going to fill them with little goodies to cheer them up! This bag is so easy to make and can be done in a couple of hours!
You can share this pattern, have a bag making party with your sewing friends, and make as many as you want! Send them to us and we'll safely store them for when a need arises! For examples of where some of our past charity patterns that you have made have gone, click HERE.
You can also submit a request to have our charity patterns sent to your area if there is a need. What a great gift to cheer up sick children in a hospital, foster kids who are going to new homes, or just someone who's in need. Requests can be send to ruthiebemaude@gmail.com.
Please put Charity Request in the Subject box.
Here's a sneak peek of what's up next!
So without further ado....Here is Kate's Ruffle Bag!
If you would like this as a downloadable PDF, please click HERE.
xoxo - Chelsea